All applicants are recommended to carefully read the grant priorities and guidelines. Eligible applicants must have a 501(c)3 tax exempt status in the form of an IRS designation letter. Funding requests for all applications must be at least $5,000; applications will be scored via a competitive merit based scoring system. Grant schedule can change from year to year.
Grant awards are available for film exhibition programs that provide opportunities for local, national, and international filmmakers to screen their films and offer the opportunity to promote Suffolk County as a film-friendly region.
Prospective applicants should attend at least one of the following workshops to learn more about the grant programs and application process. Workshop participants are not required to apply for these grant opportunities, but attendance is highly recommended and participant organizations will receive an additional score. Please RSVP 631-853-4800 or by emailing Jacqueline.mccormack@suffolkcountyny.gov.

The New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting artists in New York State.
NYFA Source is the organization's online database listing thousands of grants and sponsorship opportunities available to artists in a variety of fields, including film, theatre and broadcasting.
NYFA also awards more than $11 million in grants to individual artists annually, and offers fiscal sponsorship to emerging media and artistic organizations. For more information, visit https://www.nyfa.org/.

New York State also awards grants to non-profit arts organizations. The program is administered by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and funded by the Governor, New York State Legislature and National Endowment for the Arts. For more information on these awards and on other resources available to artists in the State, visit

The Huntington Arts Council administers the annual LI Arts Grants for the New York State Council on the Arts. To apply for these grants, the same organization could not have applied to NYSCA directly in the same year. For more information on these awards and other resources available to artists on Long Island, visit

Screenwriters Lab
The Hamptons International Film Festival’s Screenwriters’ Lab, going into its 15th year, is an intimate gathering that takes place each Spring in East Hampton, New York (2015 dates: April 10- 12). The Lab develops emerging screenwriting talent by pairing established writers and creative producers with up-and-coming screenwriters (chosen by HIFF in collaboration with key industry contacts). Visit the website for more details.